Is Post-Groove Depression Real?

That wave of guilt you feel the morning after a night of socialising and drinking actually has a name. It’s called post-groove depression and it’s very real. Depression is usually characterised by symptoms such as feeling down, lacking energy and enthusiasm and losing your normal zest for life. This usually happens after a traumatic life event, but medically it\’s characterised as a chemical imbalance that affects how we regulate our moods and can affect us at any time. 

What is Post Groove Depression? 

Post-groove depression (PGD), according to a recent research study, is that wave of regret and shame you feel after a night of drinking. With alcohol as its ally, symptoms of a depressive state are triggered as the after effects of binge-drinking materialise, leaving you feeling lonely, anxious and sad. The occurrence of PGD has become more prevalent, and Saturdays are coined “Sadderdays” following a Friday night of binge-drinking and the sadness that follows the day after.

Alcohol and its effect in post groove depression

Alcohol in itself is a depressant and this can result in you feeling low after indulging. PGD affects us in different ways. Some people have absolutely no feeling of depression after a night of drinking while others could begin feeling anxious and depressed after just one drink. 

Alcohol is very good at tricking you into thinking you are on top of the world while you’re under its influence. The chemical components of alcohol change the chemistry in your brain which often results in a wide range of moods, including euphoria, depression, mania, aggression, anger and confusion. While taking alcohol in moderation can temporarily lift your spirits and help your mood improve, it has adverse effects for a lot of people. 

Understanding the link between alcohol and depression can better help you manage your depressive state and take precautionary measures to ensure you are drinking responsibly.

What should you do when you’ve got a case of post-groove depression?

Don\’t be too hard on yourself: Making a bad situation worse by giving yourself a hard time for over-indulging  won’t improve matters. Try not to blame yourself too much for your current mood. Distract your mind by reminding yourself that you can do things differently next time. 

Drink plenty of water and rehydrate: Although drinking water won’t alleviate feelings of depression, it will help you re-hydrate so that you can start feeling better physically. Dealing with a hangover in a depressed state can make matters worse. Start by tackling one thing at a time.

Talk to someone: Talking to someone you care about helps to counter feelings associated with hangover induced anxiety and depression. You could consider sharing your feelings with a friend and doing small non-strenuous activities like taking a walk to keep your body moving and your mind occupied with an activity.

When should you get help?

Depression often leads to substance abuse like binge drinking and although it\’s relatively common to feel a little low after drinking, this feeling soon disappears after a day or two. If feelings of depression linger on for longer than what is considered normal, you should not feel ashamed to seek help and support. 

Help can come from a mental health practitioner that specialises in treating co-occurring depression and alcohol use. 

A therapist can help you to:

-Identify underlying causes of depression.

-Help you explore more helpful strategies for managing symptoms. 

-Find effective treatments, including medication and behavioural strategies.

Drinking can seem like an easy way to cope with difficult emotions in the moment, but it’s generally ineffective in the long-run. If you have concerns that your drinking has become your go-to method of managing negative feelings like depression, don’t feel ashamed to reach out for support.


Jadezweni, Is binge drinking turning your Saturday into Sadderday?
Winderl, A. M.Here’s Why You Feel Depressed the Day After Drinking.
Raypole, C.Why You Feel Depressed After Drinking and How to Handle It. Healthline.

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