Healthy foods that can make you sick

Today we explore the world of nutritious and healthy foods that can make you sick should you eat too much of them.

We all know that overeating junk food is a big health no-no, but…healthy foods can also have adverse effects on your health when not eaten in moderation. Healthy and nutritious foods you eat every day can make you sick if not eaten in moderation.  While eating well does not negate the need for Health Insurance, it can go a long way to keeping you healthy.

Oranges and Tomatoes

The benefits:

Oranges are known for their vitamin C content. They also contain health-promoting compounds known as flavanones. Tomatoes are loaded with a substance called lycopene. It gives them their bright red colour and helps protect them from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. In much the same way, it can help protect your cells from damage. Tomatoes also have potassium, vitamins B and E, and other nutrients.

The problems:

If you have a reflux problem, you should moderate your intake of these two fruits. They both contain a considerable amount of acid. Stick to no more than two servings a day.


The benefits:

Avocado is a highly nutritious food—containing about 20 vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also contain healthy fats that help increase your good (HDL) cholesterol. Add to a salad or turn into a delicious dip and can add a boost of health to your day.

The problems:

Because of its high level of tyramine, there are links to migraines and elevated blood pressure. IBS flare-ups and allergic reactions are also possible. And even though it is full of good fats, they are still fats, and if you want to lose weight, half an avocado a day is enough.


The benefits:

Coffee is a wonderful drink–loaded with antioxidants and other active compounds. It has been linked to a reduced risk of liver disease, type 2 diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases


The problems:

The active ingredient in regular coffee is caffeine, with each cup containing an average of 80–120 mg. A daily intake of 400 mg is generally considered to be safe. However, drinking too much can overwhelm the nervous system, causing insomnia, nervousness, irritability, stomach cramps, heart palpitations and muscle tremors.

Cruciferous Vegetables

The benefits:

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage and collard greens. These veggies have been linked with many health benefits, such as a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease.

The problems:

They have also become very popular as ingredients in various green smoothies and fresh vegetable juices. However, compounds called thiocyanates can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb iodine. This may contribute to a condition called hypothyroidism.

Tuna (fresh and canned)

The benefits:

Tuna is a fatty fish that is usually considered to be very healthy. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and is very high in protein. It is also very tasty, of course!

The problems:

However, tuna may also contain high levels of an environmental pollutant called methylmercury. At higher levels, methylmercury is a neurological toxin that may cause many adverse health effects. These include developmental delays in children, vision problems, lack of coordination and impaired hearing and speech. Several other types of fish are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids but less likely to be contaminated with mercury. These include salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout.


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