Notice is hereby given in terms of the provision of Rule 28.1 that the Annual General Meeting and Trustee Elections of Renaissance Health Medical Aid Fund (RMA) will be convened on the 28th of June 2024. 

Click Below for additional information and AGM Resources. 

While at home or away

You can manage your medical aid claims, benefits and queries through your cellphone or register on-line on our portal. Or, at the push of a button, you can pin point your location in case of a medical emergency ….

My Chronic Medication

Increase the medication limits for your life-threatening chronic condition when you run out of benefits at no extra cost, by simply applying for your extended medical benefit. 

My Day-To-Day Benefits

Add to any day-to-day benefits, With Benefit Builders, optical to dentistry or consultation, when you or your family deplete a benefit during the year …

My Unused Medical Benefits

If you are a low medical aid claimer, and claim below your threshold limit, then we will take your unused threshold  benefits and carry them forward to your benefit wallet for the next benefit year, meaning you build up a your wallet over time. 

Your Health Comes First


Renaissance Health Medical Aid Fund is an established and trusted health care scheme in Namibia. Founded over 25 years ago, the fund has offered quality and innovative services in medical aid to suit the health care needs of all Namibians, from Windhoek to all corners of Namibia. Whether you need a comprehensive option of day-to-day benefits and in-hospital treatment or want to be sure that you will be cared for in a private hospital if required, the RMA medical aid benefit options offer a wide range to suit your medical requirements as well as your budget. RMA is a fund that focuses on member-centricity because our members are our top priority, and we value excellent standards in customer service and health care products. RMA strives to be an accessible, obtainable and approachable medical aid, and the first choice for every Namibian when it comes to health care.

RMA is not an insurance plan, it is a member-owned medical fund that offers unique features to its product offering, such as the Benefit Wallet and the Benefit Builder, to enhance your benefits and ensure that you get the most out of your medical aid. It is a fund that truly cares for the health and wellness of all members and non-members alike throughout Namibia.

Renaissance Health Medical Aid Fund aims to build strong and lasting relationships within the healthcare industry in Namibia, with medical service providers, members, and non-members alike, to promote wellness and health. RMA is a well-governed scheme, with a skilled Board of Trustees, and is therefore a stable fund and a reliable financial services provider. The scheme prioritises the continued security of the fund reserves for the benefit of its members, therefore, it has a strict zero Fraud, Waste and Abuse policy. The RMA head office is based in Windhoek, but there are branches of the Administrator, Prosperity Health, throughout the country. We care about you and your well-being, and that is why our slogan is “Your Health Comes First”.